Weight Loss Menu - The Foods Asian Women Eat To Drop Inches And Lose Weight FAST!

The food you choose for your weight loss menu can have an immediate and dramatic effect on your ability to lose weight or not. All too often people choose the wrong food items after getting bad information, which leads to that dreaded "yo-yo" cycle of losing weight only to gain it back quickly later.

For centuries, Asian women have identified the key food items that help them lose weight and get skinny, even right after having a baby! And today we're going to look at a selection of their picks that you can use to get shrink your waistline quickly without going hungry.

Weight Loss Menu - The Skinny Asian Way

A list of which are the best foods for a weight loss menu is something students in my fitness program request often. It helps them be selective when at the market, or when out at a restaurant and trying to decide on what to order, and it can even help their children learn how to enjoy foods that are good for them.

And while you're not going to learn ALL of the ways Asian women get rid of stubborn fat from their belly and thighs in just a single short weight loss menu, you CAN pick up some tips that will allow you to get started on the road to a new you:

Catherine Cheng's "Master Weight Loss Menu" List

First a single guideline: If at all possible, I want you to buy "organic" items, even if they're a little more costly than the norm.

I know it can be a hassle, but the research coming out of major universities showing the damage that pesticides and genetic manipulation are causing among our children who are accidentally consuming them is very worrying.

Stick to organic when possible, and if you can't, please be sure to wash everything very thoroughly once you get it home from the store as most of the contaminants are located in the skin or peels of the fruits and vegetables.

1. The right base items - I call lean protein a "base item" meaning I want you to make it the center or focus of your meals. It's the biggest portion on the plate, let's put it that way. Great sources of lean protein are skinless chicken, eggs, fish, beef, pork, soy, and tofu. Protein is your #1 weapon on the weight loss menu, even more important that vegetables, so make it a top priority.

2. The right vegetables -Keep a supply of pre-washed and sliced/shredded carrots, mixed greens, beets, broccoli, and lettuce on hand for fast salads that can really satisfy. You can also try both frozen and/or canned veggies if you have trouble keeping fresh items available, just be sure to rinse them well as they tend to have some added salt for taste.

3. The right fruits -They satisfy your cravings for sweets and loaded with disease-fighting nutrients. Best yet, they're low calorie as well! Stick to berries (especially antioxidant-rich cranberries and blueberries), oranges, apples, bananas, and pears. Grapefruit is also a great pick for breakfast, try to get used to the taste.

4. The right condiments - You can really add nasty calories from picking the wrong ketchup and/or mustards for your meals, make sure to look at the labels of anything in a bottle that you buy and avoid those high in sugar. Better to go with things like honey, ginger, garlic, wasabi, or balsamic add-ons if you're looking for flavor. Each is a staple of the Asian weight loss menu and they do wonders to add fun to an otherwise bland meal.

5. The right cooking liquids -As with #4, a little wine can go a long way to adding extra flavor to a meal you're cooking...even things like casseroles and soups can benefit. Plus you get the benefit of the resveratrol included in the grapes that go into the wine, which add to longevity and help with weight loss.

Sticking to this list of 5 groups of weight loss menu items that Asian women base almost all of their meals on (I love to stir-fry for my own family) will get you dropping pounds much more quickly than you expect, as well as add YEARS to you and your family's lifetimes.

What If I Just Can't Lose Weight?

If you're still struggling to get your sexy dream body after today's tips, you'll need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

This method works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Weight Loss Menu. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Cheng
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